Reglamento HACHA MX
ax throwing league official rules
The mission of The World Ax Throwing League is to promote competition through sportsmanship and fair play. Our ax throwing rules ensure that all leagues and events are played in a sporting manner. Although the competition can get intense, we expect our entrants to maintain a high degree of sportsmanship up to and after the final launch. As a participant in any WATL tournament or event, you must commit to:
Respect the game, play fair and follow all rules and policies.
Accept and respect the decisions of WATL officials.
Show good sportsmanship before, during and after games, win or lose.
Be responsible for the sportsmanship of teammates and help maintain a respectful environment for all participants.
Be courteous to opposing players, teams, officials, spectators, monitors or facilitators and treat all WATL players and officials with respect.
Help maintain and maintain all equipment and facility conditions in good condition.
Obey all facility rules, respecting all equipment, common areas, play areas, parking areas, and surrounding neighborhoods.
Not engage in discriminatory behavior based on on, but not limited to, race, religion, creed, language, gender identity, or sexual identity.
Refrain from the use of abusive or blasphemous language. (Including but not limited to: derogatory, discriminatory, or disparaging words or actions related to race, color, language, religion, gender, or sexual orientation
Not engage in any behavior that endangers the health, safety or welfare of any player, official staff member or spectator.
Not engage in verbal, written, or physical threats or abuse directed at any participant, official, staff member, or spectator.
Not start a fight, scuffle, or exchange with anyone (including but not limited to pushing, punching, kicking, verbal threats, or harassment).
Do not use alcoholic beverages anywhere unless permitted by the facility/venue.
Do not allow, use or encourage illegal drugs anywhere.
Wear/wear all required and provided equipment and/or uniforms.
Under no circumstances are live targets allowed. No thrower may throw an ax at a target while there is a live person or object between or in front of the thrower.
Sport is full of judgment calls and as a result, disputes between players, opponents and staff can occur from time to time. However, it is important that participants respect and handle all disputes that may arise in a civil manner. WATL has the absolute and sole discretion to investigate and review any and all available evidence to maintain the integrity of the rules and the sport in any match. Protests over player eligibility or rule misapplications or interpretations are urgent and must be made before the next pitch. Non-throwers have no right to discuss or challenge calls made by the league judge or umpire. Competitors under the age of 18 may appoint a representative to speak on their behalf. The representative can only dispute calls from that competitor. Each representative must be appointed before the start of the league / tournament. The representative is expected to follow all the rules of the game as if he were the competitor.
All decisions made by WATL Officials on site must be respected and obeyed. Any comments regarding the rules, players, officials or staff members should be communicated to a WATL Director during normal business hours in writing. Any behavior deemed unacceptable by WATL officials may result in a verbal warning, expulsion, suspension, and/or expulsion as described below. Repeated violations of the Code of Conduct by the same player or team could result in removal from the league with no refunds. All violations of the Code of Conduct during and outside the games will result in disciplinary action.
Any bullying, swearing, abusive language, profanity, threats or general disrespect during any league or tournament towards any presiding WATL Certified Judge or Official will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the league or tournament. Pending a formal investigation, WATL reserves the right to suspend the player or spectator in question for a minimum of 6 months.
disciplinary procedure
In the event of an infraction requiring disciplinary action, it is recommended that the WATL official issue disciplinary action in this order:
The offending pitcher will first receive a verbal warning.
If similar infractions continue a second time, their most recent match points will be reduced to 0 and the match will count as a loss.
If the same player commits a third offense, the offending player will be suspended from the season or tournament.
A WATL officer is not required to follow disciplinary measures in this order.
how to play
Each league week allows each participant 4 matches.
Each match is played against different opponents, selected at random, and consists of the following:
10 pitches per game.
In each match, players will take 5 shots and then switch sides.
This ensures fair play when the density of the wood varies.
The winner of the match will be the person with the most points after 10 throws.
In the event of a tie after 10 releases, there will be sudden death:
See section C Scoring: iv.
The initial targets will be determined by the random selection initially made by the application.
All scores must be uploaded to the WATL app in real time and uploaded to the leaderboard.
If connectivity issues occur, all scores must be uploaded to the WATL app within 48 hours.
If connectivity issues occur for more than 2 weeks in a given season, please contact WATL for guidance.
After 7 weeks, the eighth and final week of each season will be the playoffs and the final match to determine the Local Champion of the season. See the Playoffs section for more details.
Each official league run by an ax throwing site is autonomous and cannot be combined with other leagues.
Players can only compete in the location and league in which they are registered. No scores will be recorded outside of that league or venue for your unique registered league.
For example, a player cannot compete in week 2 of the league in venue A and then compete in week 3 for that same league in venue B.
Don't wear headphones while casting
breaks in the game
A presiding official may pause play for any reason deemed necessary (rules review, confirmation, second opinion, etc.)
In the event of a pause in play, all match play must cease immediately and resume at the discretion of the presiding official, where the pause began.
For example: If one player has shot but the opposing player has not and there is a break in play, the game will resume with the opposite player shooting normally.
Players can challenge a call or decision that will pause the game.
During this call, the game will stop at that point.
throw a wheelchair
For people using wheelchairs, all standard league rules apply with the exception of the foot fault line.
Persons in wheelchairs must have one wheel behind the 12-foot line when throwing in competitive play.
Any wheelchair wheel is acceptable as long as one of them is behind the 12-foot line.
Ax Scoring Area
The ax head, blade and cheek go up to the front of the eye, but not beyond.
An ax's score is determined when the ax rests on the target and must not be removed to determine the score.
See the exception for the release of Duals in Section P.
If there is no visible ax eye at the top of the ax head, then it counts as where the handle would be if you were to drive straight through it. To be determined by the referee presiding over the match.
The axes must be inside the black line to count that value:
6 points for bullseye
5 points for the first ring (defined as the unmarked area between the bullseye and the black ring around the bullseye area)
4 points for the second ring
3 points for the 3rd ring
2 points for the 4th ring.
1 point for the fifth ring.
8 points for the Killshot.
If the ax falls before the presiding officer scores the axe, the ax is counted as down.
Kill Shot Throw
Killshots are active for any release during the 10-release match. Open Killshots will only apply to standard and dual casts. See Section P for details on open Killshots for Duals releases.
Before shooting for the Killshot, the player must make it clear to the judge and the opponent that they intend to shoot for the Killshot.
The call must be made to the judge before either opponent pitches.
A judge must remind shooters on which killshot they shot if the killshot was hit during the previous attempt(s), so shooters know which killshot is open.
It is also recommended that players confirm with the judge which killshot is open for subsequent releases when an earlier killshot is hit.
This is known as "calling the Killshot" and activates it for the full 8 points.
The player cannot change their call (Killshot or no Killshot) once confirmed by a judge, for that specific throw.
Players are allowed 2 Killshot attempts per match.
Once a player performs a Killshot during the match, that Killshot cannot be reattempted until the opposite is hit.
If a Killshot is attempted but fails, the player may cast that Killshot again.
It does not apply to pitches in extra time (overtime). Killshots are reopened in the OT game.
Players can begin their OT releases using either Killshot, but must continue to alternate Killshots on subsequent OT releases.
In the event of a deadlock caused by casters refusing to call for the killshot first, this will be resolved by a coin toss.
The winner of the draw will choose who will pay first.
In the event of a knockdown during any standard or Killshot release, the player may choose to take an additional third Killshot attempt during the regular 10-release match.
A knockdown must be properly registered in the app and match to allow a third Killshot attempt.
Example: If a player has made their 2 Killshot attempts and a knockdown occurs on the 9th roll, they are eligible for a 3rd Killshot attempt on the 10th roll.
Example 2: If a player has a knockdown on their 10th shot, they are not eligible for an additional Killshot attempt or throw.
The rules stated above regarding alternate Killshot casts will still apply.
If the player does not indicate that they are making a Killshot attempt, the judge will assume that it will be a standard shot (a non-Killshot attempt).
If a Killshot attempt is made before a judge confirms the Killshot order, the shot will be counted as a foul.
If a Killshot is called but the player's ax does not hit the Killshot, no points are awarded.
sudden death
In the event of a tie after 10 pitches in a single match, the match goes into sudden death.
Points are not counted or counted during sudden death.
Depending on the location, sudden death/overtime throws will be completed with a big ax or an axe.
Venues must determine, at the beginning of the league season, and announce to league pitchers, whether they will use an ax or big ax to determine overtime throws.
Venues will not be allowed to change their minds after the first game of the season.
Pitchers must abide by decisions made by the venue.
The venue may, at its sole discretion, provide an in-house large ax for overtime shots.
Big Ax sudden death throws will not be mandatory for main and televised events of WATL for 2021. WATL will collect more data after the 2021 winter season to make a final decision regarding the Big Ax playoffs.
Sudden Death Ax
ONLY Killshots are active during sudden death casts.
Players will stay on their respective targets for sudden death casts (no need to switch targets).
Players must alternate Killshots.
Once the judge confirms that the lane is open, both players must shoot within 10 seconds of each other.
In the event that both players miss the Killshot during Sudden Death, a tape measure or precise measuring device will be used to measure the distance from the nearest valid scoring area of the ax head to the nearest edge of the Killshot. .
The player with the shortest distance will be awarded the match.
If Player 1 has an ax that has been dropped and Player 2 misses the killshot, but it is on the board, Player 2 will receive the match.
If a player touches their ax before taking a measurement, the match is awarded to the opposing player.
Sudden death with big ax
Players must start with one or both feet behind the 17-foot mark.
Players may pass the 17-foot mark but may not cross the 15-foot mark.
Crossing the 15 foot mark is a foot fault and will be scored zero.
Players' feet may not cross the 15-foot line until both axes have been verbally noted by the judge. Crossing the 15 foot line before the judge scores on both axes will result in a foot fault and the player's throw will be scored zero.
If a player requests a second opinion, both players must return behind the 15-foot line until a final decision has been made.
On the first sudden death release, the entire scoreboard is open, including Killshots.
A coin toss will be used to determine who tosses first. The presiding judge will assign heads/tails to the shooters and toss the coin.
The winner of the drawing will choose who will throw first.
The person who throws first will also make the first call.
Both players must call their pitch before any pitch is made. Once the judge confirms the calls, the calls cannot be changed.
If the match is still tied after the first throw, all subsequent throws will go to the Killshot.
If a venue has limited space where it can only accommodate one (1) Big Ax thrower at a time, the 10 second rule will apply only after the first thrower has retrieved their axe, is no longer in the lane and the judge has cleared the lane and deemed it safe to pitch
With the exception of the rules related to the first sudden death throw, all other sudden death ax rules apply to Big Ax Killshot sudden death throws.
ax throw
Ax throwing technique:
WATL players can throw axes in two ways:
1 Hand holding the axe, in an overhand or underhand position, with the blade facing the target before release.
2 hands holding the ax with the blade towards the target before releasing it.
No other style of shots are allowed.
No pitch shall be taken without a verbal or gestural signal of an open lane by the presiding judge and confirmed by all pitchers.
If no signal is given or no confirmation is received, and a pitcher makes a pitch, that pitch shall count as a foul pitch.
Throws must be made within 10 seconds of each other.
If one shooter throws after 10 seconds of the other shooter, this will result in a throwing foul.
Rotation: The ax must make approximately 1 rotation for it to count.
If the ax is close to making a full rotation (ie 50% rotation) and part of the blade touches and sticks to the target, the throw counts.
Ax throw distance
One foot must be on the ground while the ax is thrown.
Players' feet may not cross the 12-foot line until both axes have been verbally noted by the judge. Crossing the 12 foot line before the judge scores on both axes will result in a foot fault and the player's throw will be scored zero.
If a player asks for a second opinion, both players must return behind the 12-foot line until the second judge calls the score.
If a player touches his ax before a second opinion is made, the original score given by the first judge stands.
An exception is made for wheelchair pitchers. See section B.viii.
All non-throwing spectators must be to the side or at least 5 feet behind the pitchers.
Late players and/or early departures
Players can arrive up to 1 hour late, after the official start time of the league.
Players can check out up to 1 hour earlier, before the official scheduled league time ends.
If a player arrives late, after the official 1-hour start time or leaves before the 1-hour league end time:
If a player leaves the league night early, the player who was scheduled to go against the one who is now absent will receive an automatic win, but will take 10 shots and have their points scored.
The late player will automatically receive a loss and a zero on all throws.
Exceptions are permitted with the consent of the opposing players affected on that day and the approval of the referee.
Tournament/Knockout Exception
Players are required to make the playoffs at the start of regulation play.
If a player is not present when their match begins, a grace period of 10 minutes will be offered.
If the player does not show up, they will forfeit their match and the player who is present will receive the win.
If the player arrives during his grace period, but is late for his next match, he will be immediately disqualified.
Players can miss up to 2 days of regulation play during the season and make up their games and pitches in the following weeks:
Players must make up missed matches before week 7; otherwise, a loss will be attributed to his absence with a score of 0. If a player knows that he will miss week 7, he must pre-release the forfeited matches (up to 8 total). for the season) before week 7 takes place.
No missed games and pitches should be made during week 8 (playoffs); the seven-week mark is the limit.
To miss a regular league night, players must notify the referee of their absence at least 1 day in advance.
League participants may shoot up to 2 weeks in advance, including weeks 6 and 7, before an absence.
This will count towards participants' ability to forfeit up to 2 weeks of league play.
If a league participant misses 3 weeks or more of league play and does not make up those weeks, they cannot participate in the playoffs as they have lost the eligibility requirements for the WATL Championship.
Bad behavior
Intentional distractions are defined as, but not limited to: excessive celebration, taunting, use of abusive, threatening, or insulting language, trash talking, lane walking during a pitch, excessive noise, offensive gestures to opponents, or any intentional distraction with the intention of Distracting a player during a league match or tournament round during games will not be allowed.
First offense:
The first intentional distraction of an opposing player will result in a score of zero for that shot, for the player causing the distraction.
The first intentional distraction of a spectating league member or tournament participant will result in a miss on their first pitch of their next match.
The first intentional distraction of a spectator not participating in leagues or tournaments will result in immediate removal from the facility.
If the first intentional distraction is a serious violation, intended to save the player from a loss, intimidate the opposing player, or be an act of aggression against the opposing player or judge, WATL or the presiding judge may choose, at their complete discretion. , that the player causing the intentional distraction be removed from the tournament, league, and/or facility.
The second intentional distraction of an opposing player will result in a loss for that match. Zero scores will be entered for the entire match.
The second intentional distraction of a spectating league member or tournament participant will result in a forfeiture of their subsequent match. Zero scores will be entered for the entire match.
Third Offense:
The third intentional distraction of an opposing player will result in forfeiture of the season for league play or forfeiture of the tournament. The player will not be allowed to pitch for the remainder of the season or the remainder of the tournament.
The third intentional distraction of a spectating league member will result in forfeiture of the season or tournament. The league member or tournament participant may not spectate or participate for the remainder of the season or tournament.
Match fixing and racecourse in league games or tournaments:
If any player is found to be fixing a match to achieve a desired result, during league play or tournaments, that player will be banned from all WATL tournaments and leagues. The player may appeal the ban, one year after the infraction, pending review by the Commissioner.
Not completing the requirements for participation in tournaments or events.
Anyone who does not complete the pre-set tournament requirements (such as qualifying pitches) will result in their position in the event/tournament being forfeited.
During the week eight playoff tournament, all league members will participate in a single match, double elimination bracket.
Selection is done in the traditional way based on total match wins from Weeks 1-7.
In the event of a tie for games won, the ranking will be based on the total points earned during weeks 1-7 between the two tied players.
All eligible playoff competitors will be placed into two pool groups, the winner's bracket and the losers' bracket (pools A and B for short) after the first round. The winners of the first round go into pool A and the losers go into pool B. Pool A is run the same way as a single-elimination tournament, except the losers of each round "fall" into pool B. .
The final round of the championship is between the winner of category A and the winner of category B, which consists of the best of 3 matches. Allow one practice pitch between each game.
The winner: will be the person who wins 2 of the 3 matches first.
Winner A must lose twice for Winner B to win the Championship.
This means that if winner B beats winner A in a best of 3 match, they must play another best of 3 match for winner B to win the championship.
For WATL sanctioned tournaments, bracket tiebreaks will be determined by the average percentage of bullseye hits in the tournament.
For example, in a tournament, if players A and B are tied for fifth and sixth place, the player with the highest average target percentage will be in fifth place and the next player will be in sixth place.
Duals bracket tiebreakers will be based on the Duals team's total average bullseye percentage. Not the individual players on a team.